Danish guided tours in the special exhibition

”It is the traveller only who is foreign”

Guided tours in Danish from October 30 to November 27, 2022.
Free tickets are available in the foyer on the day the guided tour starts. Tickets cannot be reserved in advance.
The tours have a duration of about 45-60 minutes.

Sunday, October 30, at 2 and 3 p.m.
Claus Rohland, "Kun den rejsende er fremmed". Fotografiske indtryk af Mellemøsten
Mariette Tiedemann
Guided tour in the special exhibition

Saturday, November 19, at 2 and 3 p.m.
Claus Rohland, "Kun den rejsende er fremmed". Fotografiske indtryk af Mellemøsten
Janne Malmros
Guided tour in the special exhibition

Wednesday, November 23, at 6 p.m.
Claus Rohland, "Kun den rejsende er fremmed". Fotografiske indtryk af Mellemøsten
Janne Malmros
Guided tour in the special exhibition

Sunday, November 27, at 2 and 3 p.m.
Claus Rohland, "Kun den rejsende er fremmed". Fotografiske indtryk af Mellemøsten
Mariette Tiedemann
Guided tour in the special exhibition

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