Sufism – the Mystical Path of Islam

Sufism – the Mystical Path of Islam

September 2, 2011 – April 8, 2012

Sufism’s imprint on the art of the Islamic world is on exhibit in Denmark for the first time.

Sufism, also called Islamic mysticism, focuses solely on man’s personal relationship with the divine and the belief that the individual can merge with God through such means as music, meditation, dance, and poetry, in contrast to the tenants of orthodox Islam. The key concepts in this special aspect of Islam are spirituality, devotion, and love.

Many people know about the dancing dervishes of Konya, Turkey, but Sufism’s art is so much more. This special exhibition, Sufism – the Mystical Path of Islam, presents fine miniatures from Iran and India, poems and calligraphic works, exquisite decorative art from the 13th to the 20th century, and especially the Sufis’ own personal possessions, such as prayer beads, begging bowls, staves, writing implements, and spikes for piercing the skin.

Several of the works of art come from a private collection in London and have never before been exhibited.

Sufism – the Mystical Path of Islam_ has received very positive reviews in the Danish press, including 5 out of 6 hearts in Politiken

The Danish exhibition catalogue is on sale in the museum’s shop.

Sufism – the Mystical Path of Islam was curated by Joachim Meyer and Peter Wandel.